Κυριακή 19 Μαΐου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Apocrypha / The current issue of Apocrypha

Apocrypha 29 (2018)

  • Ivan Miroshnikov,  "The Coptic Martyrdom of Andrew," 9-28 (abstract)
  • Ivan Miroshnikov, "The Acts of Andrew and Philemon in Sahidic Coptic: Plates," 29-34
  • Karin Schlapbach, "La danse entre polymorphie et métaphore. L’épisode de la danse des Actes de Jean dans son contexte littéraire," 35-58 (abstract)
  • Alin Suciu, "A Quotation from 6 Ezra in the Sermo asceticus of Stephen the Theban," 59-68 (abstract)
  • Christa Müller-Kessler, "Three Early Witnesses of the “Dormition Of Mary” in Christian Palestinian Aramaic from the Cairo Genizah (Taylor-Schechter Collection) and the New Finds in St Catherine’s Monastery," 69-96 (abstract)
  • Jeffery Aubin, "Épicure et Bardesane astrologues : l’exposé de Nicétas au livre VIII des Recognitiones pseudo-clémentines," 97-112 (abstract)
  • Jacob A. Lollar, "A Survey of the Manuscripts of the Syriac History of John," 113-136 (abstract)
  • Irma Karaulashvili, "The So-Called Seven Seals of Christ and Their Explanation as Presented by various versions of the Abgar Legend and the Miniature of the Edessan Image from the Oxford Menologion (Codex gr. th. f. 1 (S. C. 2919), Bodleian Library," 137-182 (abstract)
  • Gavin McDowell, "«La Gloire du Liban viendra chez toi» (Is 60,13) : à l’origine de la légende du bois de la croix," 183-202 (abstract)

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