Τρίτη 16 Απριλίου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Perichoresis / The current issue of Perichoresis

Perichoresis 17:1 (2019)

  • Paul A. Hartog, "Imitatio Christi and Imitatio Dei: High Christology and Ignatius of Αntioch’s Ethics," 3-21 (abstract)
  • Michael J. Svigel, "Trinitarianism In Didache, Barnabas, and the Shepherd: Sketchy, Scant, or Scandalous?" 23-40 (abstract)
  • Stephen O. Presley, "Reassessing Justin Martyr’s Binitarian Orientation In 1 Apology 33," 41-53 (abstract)
  • D. Jeffrey Bingham, "Athenagoras on the Divine Nature: The Father, the Son, and the Rational," 55-64 (abstract)
  • Christopher A. Graham, "Baptism in Irenaeus of Lyons: Testimony to and Participation with the Triune God,"  65–80 (abstract)
  • Bryan M. Litfin, "Tertullian on the Trinity," 81–98 (abstract)

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