Δευτέρα 22 Απριλίου 2019

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JThS / In the current issue of JThS

Journal of Theological Studies 70:2 (2019)

  • Thomas J Farrar, "New Testament Satanology and Leading Suprahuman Opponents in Second Temple Jewish Literature: A Religio-Historical Analysis," 21-68 (abstract)
  • Stephen Hultgren, "HilastēRion (Rom. 3:25) and the Union of Divine Justice and Mercy. Part I: The Convergence of Temple and Martyrdom Theologies," 69-109 (abstract)
  • Ole Jakob Filtvedt, "Revisiting Nicodemus’s Question in John 3:9," 110-140 (abstract)
  • Markus Bockmuehl, "The Dynamic Absence of Jesus in Hebrews," 141-162 (abstract)
  • Luke J Stevens, "Did Eusebius Read Papias?" 163-183 (abstract)

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