Δευτέρα 29 Απριλίου 2019

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Classical Antiquity / In the current issue of Classical Antiquity

Classical Antiquity 38:1 (2019)

  • Emily Gowers, "Knight's Moves: The Son-in-law in Cicero and Tacitus," 2-35 (abstract)
  • Thomas Harrison, "Classical Greek Ethnography and the Slave Trade," 36-57 (abstract)
  • Holly Haynes, "Tyranny, Self, and Genre in Pliny's Letter 5.8," 58-90 (abstract)
  • Ismene Lada-Richards, "On Taking our Sources Seriously: Servius and the Theatrical Life of Vergil's Eclogues," 91-140 (abstract)
  • Lydia Spielberg, "Fairy Tales and Hard Truths in Tacitus's Histories 4.6–10," 141-183 (abstract)

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