Παρασκευή 12 Απριλίου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Bible Translator / The current issue of Bible Translator

The Bible Translator 70:1 (2019)

  • David J. Clark, "In Memoriam Paul Ellingworth (1931–2018)," 5-8
  • Matthew R. Malcolm, "Governing Imagery and the Translation of the Words philadelphia and anachusis in 1 Peter 1.22 and 4.4," 9-15 (abstract)
  • Bill T. Richardson, "Are We Speaking the Same Language? The Influence of Scripture Translations on How Christians and Muslims Talk about God," 16-34 (abstract)
  • Andrew Maust, "Offers of Opportunity: Function-Added Bible Translation and Language Promotion," 35-49 (abstract)
  • Koowon Kim, "Eli, “Enemy of a Temple”? A Study of מעון in 1 Samuel 2.29 and 2.32," 50-63 (abstract)
  • June F. Dickie, "The Importance of Literary Rhythm When Translating Psalms for Oral Performance (in Zulu),"  64-81 (abstract)
  • Jeff Miller, "Breaking the Rules: Lectio Brevior Potior and New Testament Textual Criticism,"  82-93 (abstract)
  • Zoe Hollinger, "Rethinking the Translation of τρέχωμεν τὸν . . . ἀγῶνα in Hebrews 12.1 in Light of Ancient Graeco-Roman Literature," 94-111 (abstract)

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