Τρίτη 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του PEQ / In the current issue of PEQ

Palestine Exploration Quarterly 150:4 (2018)

  • Raz Kletter, "The first Melchizedek bottle? Notes on the Jerusalem iron IIA pithos inscription," 265-270 (abstract)
  • Jeffrey A. Blakely, "Tell el-Hesi: A type site for reevaluating so-called ‘Egyptian Governors’ Residencies’ of the south," 271-295 (abstract)
  • Robert S. Homsher & Israel Finkelstein, "New light on Schumacher’s Südliches Burgtor at Megiddo," 296-308 (abstract)

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