Σάββατο 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSJ / The current issue of JSJ

Journal for the Study of Judaism 50:1 (2019)

  • Pieter B. Hartog, "Jubilees and Hellenistic Encyclopaedism," 1-25 (abstract)
  • Jonathan Trotter, "Going and Coming Home in Diasporan Pilgrimage: The Case of Philo’s Ἱεροποµποί and Diaspora-Homeland Relations in Alexandrian Jewish Perspective," 26-52 (abstract)
  • Yakir Paz, "Metatron is Not Enoch: Reevaluating the Evolution of an Archangel," 52-100 (abstract)
  • Rivka Ulmer, "No Access Apocalypticism in the Homiletic Text of Pesiqta Rabbati: Catastrophic Events at the End of Time," 101-139 (abstract)

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