Παρασκευή 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Henoch / The current issue of Henoch

Henoch 40:1 (2018)
Libraries and Cultural Memory

  • Ida  Fröhlich, "Foreword," 3-7
  • Markham J. Geller, "Library or Archive in Qumran? The View From Mesopotamia," 8-13
  • Dolores G. Kamrada, "Kings and Ancestors. Ugaritic Libraries and Biblical Literature," 14-20
  • Corrado Martone, "From Universal to Sectarian. The Zadokites, Qumran, the Temple and Their Libraries," 21-32
  • Armin Lange, "The Qumran Library in Context. The Canonical History and Textual Standardization of the Hebrew Bible in Light of the Qumran Library," 33-48
  • Devorah Dimant, "The Library of Qumran. Variety Versus Unity," 49-56
  • Ida Fröhlich, "The Qumran Library and Cultural Memory," 57-69
  • Russell E. Fuller, "Cultural Memory, the Qumran Libary, and Identity," 70-79
  • Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, "Exemplars of the Ecclesiastical Libraries at the Dawn of the High Middle Ages in Europe. Their Goals, Sources, and Pecularities,"  80-86
  • Kinga Dévényi, "A Legacy of Islamic Presence. Manuscript Collections in Hungary,"  87-94
  • Avriel Bar-Levav, "Libraries and Cultural Memory,"  95-102


  • Olegs Andrejevs, "Evolution of the Son of Man Mythology in the Synoptic Sayings Source. An Adjustment of John S. Kloppenborg’s Compositional Model,"  103-115
  • Dan Jaffé, "The Concepts of Death and Circumcision in the Writings of Ignatius of Antioch and in the Mishnah. Intersecting Perspectives," 116-129
  • Giorgio Jossa, "Una ipotesi alternativa sul Figlio dell’uomo. Tra H.E. Tödt, Ph. Vielhauer e J.M. Robinson," 131-

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