Πέμπτη 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

CFP: EABS 2019 Graeco-Roman Society and the New Testament

Warsaw 2019

Diaspora Jews in current research

For the 2019 meeting of our group in Warsaw two sessions are scheduled

a) An open session where papers on any topic within the range of the interests of the research group are welcome.

b) A session focusing on the Jewish Diaspora communities in the cities of the Graeco-Roman world. More particularly, we invite papers that address methodological questions regarding the identification and study of archaeological and epigraphic evidence related to Jewish presence in the Diaspora, as well as papers that deal with particular aspects of history, development, organisation and life of these Jewish communities, their network system and relations to Palestine or their interaction with early Christian groups.

Submission of abstracts

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