Πέμπτη 10 Ιανουαρίου 2019

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του PJBS / In the current issue of PJBS

The Pacific Journal of Baptist Studies 13:2 (2018)
  • Philip Church,  "“You [Jewish Christ-Followers in Rome] have come to Mount Zion…” (Heb 12:22): Pilgrimage to Zion and the Book of Hebrews," 3-14
  • James E. Harding, "Scripture on the Road to Emmaus," 25-41
  • Don Moffat, "Reception History: Signalling Change in Biblical Studies," 42-50
  • John de Jong, "Textual Criticism, the Textus Receptus, and Adoniram Judson’s Burmese New Testaments, " 51-60

(καταφόρτωση τεύχος / download issue)

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