Σάββατο 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2018

Το τρέχον τεύχος του RB / The current issue of RB

Revue Biblique 125:3 (2018)

  • Idan Breier, "The Influence of Economic Factors on the Political Policies Adopted by the Last Kings of Judah," 321 - 339 (abstract)
  • Nadav Na'aman, "Source and Composition in the Story of Sheba's Revolt (2 Samuel 20)," 340 - 352 (abstract)
  • Łukasz Popko, "פי־שנים in 2 Kgs 2:9 as a Metaphor of Double Speech," 353 - 374 (abstract)
  • Jean-Claude Moreau, "L'interprétation augustinienne de l'idipsum de Ps 121,3," 375 - 388 (abstract)
  • Nathalie Martin-Derore, "La δύναμις de 1 Corinthiens 4,19-20: Humaine ou divine?," 389 - 405 (abstract)
  • Eitan Klein - Boaz Zissu - Nir Distelfeld, "Byzantine Graffiti in Underground Water Facilities in the Galilee and Judean Foothills," 406 - 435 (abstract)

Notes archéologiques

  • Moshe Gophen - Omry Lernau, "Identification of the Fishes in the Mosaic Floor of the Multiplication Church, Tabgha, Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), Israel," 436 - 442

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