Παρασκευή 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2018

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JBR / The current issue of JBR

Journal of the Bible and its Reception 5:2 (2018)

  • Rebecca Esterson, "Allegory and Religious Pluralism: Biblical Interpretation in the Eighteenth Century," 111-140 (abstract)
  • Bradford A. Anderson, "Ireland and the Old Testament: Transmission, Translation, and Unexpected Influence," 141-170 (abstract)
  • Ewelina Drzewiecka, "The Bulgarian Worldview Mosaic: Literary Paraphrases of the Bible as a Source for the History of Ideas," 171-194 (abstract)
  • Avner Shamir, "Scripture and Power: Four Anecdotes from Early Seventeenth-Century England," 195-234 (abstract)
  • Bogdan G. Bucur, " 'God Never Appeared to Moses:' Eusebius of Caesarea’s Peculiar Exegesis of the Burning Bush Theophany," 235-258 (abstract)
  • Ann Conway-Jones, " 'The Greatest Paradox of All': The 'Place of God' in the Mystical Theologies of Gregory of Nyssa and Evagrius of Pontus," 259-279 (abstract)

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