Σάββατο 3 Νοεμβρίου 2018

To τρέχον τεύχος του Apocrypha / The current issue of Apocrypha

Apocrypha 28 (2017)

  • Ivan Miroshnikov, "The Acts of Andrew and Philemon in Sahidic Coptic," 9-84 (abstract)
  • Anne-Catherine Baudoin, "Joseph d’Arimathie, premier témoin du Ressuscité, protobaptisé, nouveau Noé : Étude des chapitres 12 à 16 des Actes de Pilate," 85-122 (abstract)
  • Anna Lefteratou, "Rebranding Iphigenia as Christian: Virgins in Ambrose’s De Virginibus and in the Apocryphal Passio Matthaei," 123-154 (abstract)
  • Elena Parina, "A Welsh Version of Visio Pauli: Its Latin Source and the Translator’s Contribution," 155-186 (abstract)
  • Isabel Iribarren, "Réception et fonctions des récits apocryphes dans la Josephina de Jean Gerson," 187-232 (abstract)
  • Aaron Michael Butts, Kristian Heal, Geoffrey Moseley, Joseph Witztum, "Notes on the History of Joseph (CAVT 113, 114) and the Death of Joseph (CAVT 116, 117)," 233-240 
  • Gavin McDowell, "New Testament Apocrypha: More Noncanonical Scriptures," 241-252

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