Παρασκευή 30 Νοεμβρίου 2018

Το τρέχον τεύχος του NTS / The current issue of NTS

New Testament Studies 65:1 (2019)

  • David G. Horrell, "Judaean Ethnicity and Christ-Following Voluntarism? A Reply to Steve Mason and Philip Esler," 1-20 (abstract)
  • Margaret Froelich, Thomas E. Phillips, "Throw the Blasphemer off a Cliff: Luke 4.16–30 in Light of the Life of Aesop," 21-32 (abstract)
  • Ryan S. Schellenberg, "οἱ πιστεύοντες: An Early Christ-Group Self-Designation and Paul's Rhetoric of Faith," 33-42 (abstract)
  • Julie Newberry, "Paul's Allusive Reasoning in 1 Corinthians 11.7–12," 43-58 (abstract)
  • J. Andrew Doole, "Was Timothy in Prison with Paul?," 59-77 (abstract)
  • Benjamin Wold, "Sin and Evil in the Letter of James in Light of Qumran Discoveries," 78-93 (abstract)
  • Peter Malik, "P.Oxy. viii.1079 (P18): Closing on a ‘Curious’ Codex?," 94-102 (abstract)
  • Eleanor Dickey, "A Re-Examination of New Testament Papyrus P99 (Vetus Latina AN glo Paul)," 103-121 (abstract)


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