Σάββατο 3 Νοεμβρίου 2018

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JRS / In the current issue of JRS

Journal of Roman Studies 108 (2018)
  • Seth Bernard, "The Social History of Early Roman Coinage," 1-26 (abstract)
  • Dominik Maschek, "Not Census but Deductio: Reconsidering the ‘Ara of Domitius Ahenobarbus’," 27-52 (abstract)
  • Duncan E. Macrae, "The Freedman's Story: an Accusation of Witchcraft in the Social World of Early Imperial Roman Italy (CIL 11.4639 = ILS 3001)," 53-73 (abstract)
  • Tom Geue, "Soft Hands, Hard Power: Sponging Off the Empire of Leisure (Virgil, Georgics 4)," 115-140 (abstract)
  • Kirk Freudenburg, "Satire's Censorial Waters in Horace and Juvenal," 141-155 (abstract)
  • Roger S. Bagnall, Sebastian Heath, "Roman Studies and Digital Resources," 171-189 (abstract)

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