Παρασκευή 30 Νοεμβρίου 2018

Το τρέχον τεύχος του BibInt / The current issue of BibInt

Biblical Interpretation 26:4/5 (2018)

  • Tchavdar S. Hadjiev, "Introduction: Images of Migration in the Hebrew Bible," 435-438
  • Yvonne Sherwood, "Migration as Foundation: Hagar, the ‘Resident Alien’, as Euro-America’s Surrogate Self," 439-468 (abstract)
  • Katherine Southwood, "‘This Man Has Come into My House’: Hospitality in Genesis 19; 34; and Judges 19," 469-484 (abstract)
  • C.A. Strine, "The Study of Involuntary Migration as a Hermeneutical Guide for Reading the Jacob Narrative," 485-498 (abstract)
  • Gregory Lee Cuéllar, "A Migrant-Centric Reading of Exodus 2: Tactics of Survival for Immigrant Women and Their Unaccompanied Children," 499-514 (abstract)
  • Tchavdar S. Hadjiev, "‘I Have Become a Stranger in a Foreign Land’: Reading the Exodus Narrative as the Villain," 515-527 (abstract)
  • David J. Shepherd, "Ruth in the Days of the Judges: Women, Foreignness and Violence," 528-543 (abstract)
  • Gillian Wylie, "Moving Beyond the Exclusionary Politics of Migration: A Response from the Social Sciences," 544-553 (abstract)

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