Τετάρτη 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του VigChr / In the current issue of VigChr

Vigiliae Christianae 72:4 (2018)

  • James A. Kelhoffer, "Eschatology, Androgynous Thinking, Encratism, and the Question of Anti-Gnosticism in 2 Clement 12 (Part Two)," 352-368 (abstract)
  • Johannes van Oort, "‘Misisti manum tuam ex alto’: Manichaean Imagery of Christ as God’s Hand in Augustine’s Confessions?," 369-389 (abstract)
  • Vito Limone, "Origen’s Explicit References to Aristotle and the Peripateticians," 390-404 (abstract)
  • Brendan Harris, "Irenaeus’s Engagement with Rhetorical Theory in his Exegesis of the Johannine Prologue in Adversus Haereses 1.8.5-1.9.3," 405-420 (abstract)
  • Kimberley A. Fowler, "Reading Gospel of Thomas 100 in the Fourth Century: From Roman Imperialism to Pachomian Concern over Wealth," 421-446 (abstract)

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