Παρασκευή 17 Αυγούστου 2018

Το τρέχον τεύχος του ZNW / The current issue of ZNW

Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 109:2 (2018)

  • Stephen Hultgren, " 'A Vision for the End of Days': Deferral of Revelation in Daniel and at the End of Mark," 153-184 (abstract)
  • Gudrun Holtz, "Paul, the Law and Judaism: Stoification of the Jewish Approach to the Law in Paul’s Letter to the Romans," 185-221 (abstract)
  • Richard G. Fellows,  / Alistair C. Stewart, "Euodia, Syntyche and the Role of Syzygos: Phil 4:2–3," 222-234 (abstract)
  • William Loader, "Revisiting High Priesthood Christology in Hebrews," 235-283 (abstract)
  • Mogens Müller, "Die Zeit der Kirche als die Zeit göttlicher Langmut. Der Taumellolch im Weizenfeld und seine Deutung (Mt 13,24–30.36–43)," 284-294 (abstract)

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