Σάββατο 11 Αυγούστου 2018

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Latomus / In the current issue of Latomus

Latomus 77:1 (2018)

  • Allison Boex, "Cold Comfort: Speeches to and from the Prematurely Deceased in Early Roman Verse-Epitaphs," 74-98 (abstract)
  • Sylvain Forichon, "L'Égypte, le Nil et les Égyptiens dans les spectacles de la Rome ancienne (Ier siècle a.C.-Ve siècle p.C.)," 99-129 (abstract)
  • Garani Myrto, "Epicurean Image Making, Idolatry and Iconoclasm in the Age of Lucretius: The Anti-Example of Cybele (diuinae Martis imago, DRN 2.609)," 130-146 (abstract)
  • Annalisa Marzano, "Cicero, Paradoxa Stoicorum ad M. Brutum 38:  An Allusion to a New Slave Specialization?," 161-176 (abstract)
  • Mateo Donet - María Amparo, "Suplicios dobles en las condenas capitales romanas," 177-190 (abstract)

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