Παρασκευή 24 Αυγούστου 2018

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSCS / The current issue of JSCS

Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies 43 (2018)


  • Evangelia Dafni, "Septuaginta-Forschung in Griechenland vom 19. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert," 9-20
  • Michaël N. van der Meer, "Septuagint Research in the Netherlands," 21-40
  • Krzysztof Mielcarek, "Septuagint Studies in Poland: Recent Trends and Current Status," 41-47
  • Mogens Müller, "Septuagintaforschung in Schweden, Dänemark und Norwegen. Eine kurze Übersicht," 48-51
  • Gert J. Steyn, "Septuagint Research in South Africa. Some Brief Notes on the Development of Five Study Fields," 52-61
  • Rodrigo Franklin de Sousa, "Septuagint Studies in South America: Charting a Non-Existent Territory," 62-64


  • Jelle Verburg, "The LXX of the Law of Deposit in Exodus 22:6-14. (Wevers Prize Paper 2017)," 65-82
  • Drew Longacre, "Two Selective Greek Texts of Exodus: A Comparative Analysis of Rahlfs 896 and 960," 83-104
  • Luke Gorton, "In the Court of Foreigners: Translational Strategies in the Septuagint of Exodus 7-9 and Daniel 1-6," 105-118
  • Guy Darshan, "The Hapax δυναστεύματα in 3 Kgdms 2:46c," 119-126
  • Unsung Kwak, "Joyful Story: The Building of the Second Temple in 1Esdras 5:53–62," 127-139
  • Rodrigo de Sousa, "The Righteous King in LXX Isa 32:1-4: Hope and Ideology in Translation," 140-155
  • Anne Francoise Loiseau, "Jérôme dans le sillage d'Aquila et du Targoum: Vg iuxta Hebraeos Ps 42[41], 2 et Vg 1 R 22, 38," 156-169
  • Felix Albrecht, "Beobachtungen zu den Bibelzitaten der „Lex Dei“ sive „Mosaicarum et Romanarum legum collatio“," 170-181
  • Takamitsu Muraoka, "Morphology of Compound Greek Numerals," 170-181
  • Dominique Mangin, "Pour une étude conjointe de la version sahidique et du texte grec court du livre de Job," 191-206

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