Τρίτη 21 Αυγούστου 2018

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JAJ / The current issue of JAJ

Journal of Ancient Judaism 8:2 (2017)

  • Lutz Doering - Sandra Gambetti, "Jews and Drama: Introducing the Special Issue," 146-149 (abstract)
  • René Bloch, "Part of the Scene," 150-169 (abstract)
  • G. Anthony Keddie, Jonathan MacLellan, "Ezekiel’s Exagoge and the Politics of Hellenistic Theatre," 170-187 (abstract)
  • Sandra Gambetti, "Some Considerations on Ezekiel’s Exagoge," 188-207 (abstract)
  • Matthias Hopf, "The Song of Songs as a Hebrew “Counterweight” to Hellenistic Drama," 208-221 (abstract)
  • Jeff Jay, "Spectacle, Stage-Craft, and the Tragic in Philo’s In Flaccum," 222-240 (abstract)
  • Courtney J. P. Friesen, "Virtue and Vice on Stage," 241-256 (abstract)
  • Sören Swoboda, "Tragic Elements in Josephus," 257-270 (abstract)
  • Zeev Weiss, "Actors and Theaters, Rabbis and Synagogues," 271-279 (abstract)
  • Thomas D. Kohn, "Four Jews, and Their Rabbis, Go into a Theatre …," 280-290 (abstract)

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