Σάββατο 4 Αυγούστου 2018

Το τρέχον τεύχος του ETL / The current issue of ETL

Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 94:2 (2018)
  • Giovanni B. Bazzana, "The Oracle of the Potter and the 'Apocalyptic Worldview' in Egypt," 207-222 (abstract)
  • Paul-Hubert Poirier, "Is there an 'Apocalyptic Worlview' in the Apocalypse of Adam (NHC V, 5)?," 223-233 (abstract)
  • Michael Kaler, "The Intriguing Absence of God in the Apocalypse of Paul," 235-240 (abstract)
  • Jan Dochhorn, " 'World' (ዓለም) in the Ascension of Isaiah," 241-256 (abstract)
  • Tobias Nicklas - Matthias Geigenfeind - Johannes Stettner, "Die Deutung der Weltgeschichte in der Langform der Apokalypse des Thomas (Codex Palatinus: §§ 2-10)," 257-274 (abstract)
  • Lorenzo DiTomasso, "The Apocryphal Daniel Apocalypses: Works, Manuscripts, and Overview," 275-316 (abstract)

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