Πέμπτη 30 Αυγούστου 2018

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblica / The current issue of Biblica

Biblica 99:2 (2018)

  • Joachim J. Krause, "Circumcision and Covenant in Genesis 17," 151 - 165 (abstract)
  • Juan Manuel  Tebes, "The Southern Home of YHWH and Pre-Priestly Patriarchal/Exodus Traditions from a Southern Perspective," 166 - 188 (abstract)
  • Alexis Leproux, "La «piété» du patriarche Jacob selon Sg 10,10-12," 189 - 201 (abstract)
  • Benedetta Rossi, "Conflicting Patterns of Revelation: Jer 31,33-34 and its Challenge to the Post-Mosaic revelation Program," 202 - 225 (abstract)
  • Christian Blumenthal, "Vorbildhaftes Gottvertrauen: Der matthäische Jesus zwischen tödlicher Ohnmacht und königlicher Macht," 226 - 246 (abstract)
  • Brian Carrier, "The Triumphal Echo of Psalm 24 in the Gospel According to Matthew," 247 - 264 (abstract)
  • Francesco Bianchini, "1 Giovanni e la retorica: L'argomentazione di 1 Gv 1,5-2,28," 265 - 280 (abstract)
  • Takamitsu Muraoka, "Justification by Faith: Paul and Qumran," 281 - 284 (abstract)

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