Δευτέρα 6 Αυγούστου 2018

Το τρέχον τεύχος του The Bible Translator / The current issue of The Bible Translator

The Bible Translator 69:2 (2018)
Special Issue: “Extraordinary spirit, knowledge, and understanding” (Dan 5.12): Papers in honour of David J. Clark
  • Stephen Pattemore, "Honouring David Clark," 133-137
  • Stanley E. Porter, "At What Level Does Translation Occur?," 138-149 (abstract)
  • Philip H. Towner, "Translation from the Other Side: Process before Product or 'In Defense of Lost Causes'," 150-165 (abstract)
  • Philip A. Noss, "Translation to the Third and Fourth Generations: The Gbaya Bible and Gbaya Language Enrichment," 166-175 (abstract)
  • Graham Ogden, "A Case Study for Study Bibles: The Book of Haggai," 176-183 (abstract)
  • Heidemarie Salevsky, "The Origins of Interpreting in the Old Testament and the Meturgeman in the Synagogue," 184-198 (abstract)
  • Kenneth J. Thomas, "Whom Do We Trust to Translate? An Early Eighteenth-Century Muslim Translation of the Gospels into Persian," 199-213 (abstract)
  • Lourens de Vries, "Newton Goes East: Natural Philosophy in the First Malay Grammar (1736) and the First Malay Bible (1733)," 214-232 (abstract)
  • Andrei S. Desnitsky, "Metaphors at Cultural Crossroads: Examples from CIS Countries," 233-239 (abstract)
  • Alexey Somov, "The Dove in the Story of Jesus’ Baptism: Early Christian Interpretation of a Jewish Image," 240-251 (abstract)
  • Erwin R. Komen, "Disambiguating Babylon," 252-268 (abstract)
  • Lénart J. de Regt, "Don’t Shoot the Messenger! Embedded Direct Speech Conveyed by a Messenger in 2 Samuel 11 and Numbers 22," 269-276 (abstract)
  • Ernst R. Wendland, "A Discourse Structural Overview of the Prophecy of Micah," 277-293 (abstract)
  • Fausto Liriano, Bob Bascom, "Should Translation Consultants Keep and Share a List of Key Texts and Passages to Check? If So, What Might Such a List Look Like?," 294-301 (abstract)
  • Norm Mundhenk, "Implicit and Explicit Information in Translation," 302-314 (abstract)
  • Carl Gross, "Do We Need Another Greek New Testament? A Translator’s and Student’s Look at the Tyndale House Greek New Testament," 315-325 (abstract)
  • "Selected Publications of David J. Clark," 326-329

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