Σάββατο 25 Αυγούστου 2018

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του ARGe / In the current issue of ARGe

Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 20:1 (2018)

  • Jörg Rüpke, "Creating Religion(s) by Historiography," 3-6
  • Günter Stemberger, "Creating Religious Identity: Rabbinic Interpretations of the Exodus," 45-59 (abstract)
  • Reinhard G. Kratz, "Moses: Creating a Founding Figure," 61-75 (abstract)
  • Ingvild Sælid Gilhus, "Historiography as Anti-History: Reading Nag Hammadi Codex II," 77-90 (abstract)
  • Cristiana Facchini, "'The Immortal Traveler': How Historiography Changed Judaism," 111-134 (abstract)
  • Annelies Lannoy,  / Corinne Bonnet, "Narrating the Past and the Future: The Position of the religions orientales and the mystères païens in the Evolutionary Histories of Religion of Franz Cumont and Alfred Loisy," 157-182 (abstract)
  • Renée Koch Piettre, "Anthropomorphism, Theatre, Epiphany: From Herodotus to Hellenistic Historians," 189-209 (abstract)
  • Diana Burton, "Worshipping Hades: Myth and Cult in Elis and Triphylia," 211-227 (abstract)
  • Verity J. Platt, "Double Vision: Epiphanies of the Dioscuri in Classical Antiquity," 229-256 (abstract)
  • Georgia Petridou, "“One Has To Be So Terribly Religious To Be An Artist”: Divine Inspiration and theophilia in Aelius Aristides’ Hieroi Logoi," 257-271 (abstract)
  • Moshe Blidstein, "Loosing Vows and Oaths in the Roman Empire and Beyond: Authority and Interpretation," 257-303 (abstract)
  • Martina Dürkop, "Martin P. Nilsson und die Wiederbesetzung des Lehrstuhls für klassische Philologie in Heidelberg 1924/1925," 305-320 (abstract)

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