Δευτέρα 30 Ιουλίου 2018

To τρέχον τεύχος του Neotestamentica / The current issue of Neotestamentica

Neotestamentica 52:1 (2018)

  • Christoph Stenschke, "Jewish believers in Paul’s letter to the Romans," 1-40 (abstract)
  • Philip la G. du Toit, "Galatians 3 and the redefinition of the criteria of covenant membership in the new faith-era in Christ," 41-67 (abstract)
  • Young Namgung, "What Isaiah has to say about the curse of the law in Galatians 3:10," 69-90 (abstract)
  • Nijay K. Gupta, "The Thessalonian believers, formerly “pagans” or “God-fearers”? : challenging a stubborn consensus," 91-113 (abstract)
  • Theuns Jacobs, "Social conflict in early Roman Palestine : a heuristic model," 115-139 (abstract)
  • Llewellyn Howes, " “You will not get out of there!” : reconsidering the placement of Q 12:58–59," 141-178 (abstract)
  • Susanna Asikainen, "Women out of place : the women who challenged Jesus," 179-193 (abstract)
  • Cornelis Bennema, "The referent of πνεῦμα in Mark 2:8 and 8:12 in light of early Jewish traditions : a study in Markan anthropology,"  195-213 (abstract)
  • Seth Kissi and Ernest van Eck, "A look at Hebrews in the light of an Akan perspective on personality," 215-236 (abstract)

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