Τετάρτη 25 Ιουλίου 2018

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του PRSt / In the current issue of PRSt

Perspectives in Religious Studies 45:1 (2018)

William Briggs, "The Textualization of Prophecy: The Lachish Letters in Light of Evidence from Mari, Nineveh, and Literacy in Judah," 3–13
An investigation of the Lachish letters themselves in comparison with the biblical, Mariote, and Neo-Assyrian prophetic materials demonstrates three primary conclusions concerning the textualization of prophecy. First, state officials significantly concerned themselves with prophetic messages in each Mari, Assyria, and Israel/Judah. Second, there were multiple forms in which prophecy became textualized in ancient Israel/Judah, Third, the Lachish letters demonstrate that, in preexilic Israel/Judah, orality and literacy as they relate to prophecy operated side by side rather than in opposition to or replacement of one another.

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