Πέμπτη 5 Ιουλίου 2018

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JEChrS / In the current issue of JEChrS

Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 70:1/2 (2018)
Arabica sunt, non leguntur... 
Studies on the Arabic Versions of the Bible in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Tradition

  • Sara Schulthess / Herman Teule / Joseph Verheyden, "Introduction," 1-5
  • Arik Sadan, "Differences and Similarities between Early Christian and Judaeo-Arabic (Rabbinical and Karaite) Translations of the Bible into Arabic: The Case of the Book of Job," 7-33 (abstract)
  • Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala, "Scripture and Translation: An Arabic Fragment of the Gospel of Mark Preserved in Ms 4971 BNM," 35-62 (abstract)
  • Sara Schulthess, " Vaticanus Arabicus 13: What do we Really Know about the Manuscript? With an Additional Note on the Ending of Mark," 63-84 (abstract)
  • David Thomas, "Making Sense of the Bible in Early kalām," 85-103 (abstract)
  • Ute Pietruschka, " Präsentation und Umformung biblischen Materials in den 'Uyūn al-aḫbūr des Ibn Qutayba (828-889 AD),"  105-122 (abstract)

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