Δευτέρα 23 Ιουλίου 2018

Το τρέχον τεύχος του HeBAI / The current issue of HeBAI

Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 6:4 (2017)

  • Yitzhaq Feder, "Moral Norm Formation and Transformation in Ancient Israel," 383-385
  • T.M. Oshima, "Morality and the Minds of Gods," 386-430 (abstract)
  • Thomas Kazen, "Emotional Ethics in Biblical Texts: Cultural Construction and Biological Bases of Morality,"431-456 (abstract)
  • Thomas Staubli, "Disgusting Deeds and Disgusting Gods: Ethnic and Ethical Constructions of Disgust in the Hebrew Bible," 457-487 (abstract)
  • Carol A. Newsom, "Moral "Recipes" in Deuteronomy and Ezekiel: Divine Authority and Human Agency," 488-509 (abstract)
  • Idan Dershowitz, "Revealing Nakedness and Concealing Homosexual Intercourse: Legal and Lexical Evolution in Leviticus 18," 510-526 (abstract)

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