Πέμπτη 28 Ιουνίου 2018

Το τρέχον τεύχος του VT / The current issue of VT

Vetus Testamentum 68:3 (2018)

  • Robin Baker, "'A Dream Carries Much Implication': The Midianite’s Dream ( Judges VII), Its Role and Meanings," 329-377 (abstract)
  • Geoffrey Khan, "Orthoepy in the Tiberian Reading Tradition of the Hebrew Bible and Its Historical Roots in the Second Temple Period," 378-401 (abstract)
  • Dong-Hyuk Kim, "לֹא and the Biblical Hebrew Negative Response," 402-414 (abstract)
  • Michael P. Maier, "Another People of God? Exegesis and Reception of Zech 2:15," 415-435 (abstract)
  • Stefan C. Matzal, "The Structure of Ezra 3," 436-443 (abstract)
  • Konrad Schmid, "How to Date the Book of Jeremiah: Combining and Modifying Linguistic- and Profile-based Approaches," 444-462 (abstract)
  • Friederike Schücking-Jungblut, "Political Reasons for the Success and Failure of Absalom’s Rebellion (2 Sam 15-19)," 463-474 (abstract)
  • John Screnock, "Is Rewriting Translation? Chronicles and Jubilees in Light of Intralingual Translation," 475-504 (abstract)
  • Nicholas R. Werse, "Of Gods and Kings: The Case for Reading “Milcom” in Zephaniah 1:5bβ," 505-513 (abstract)
  • Aaron Michael Jensen, "The Appearance of Leah," 514-518 (abstract)

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