Τετάρτη 16 Μαΐου 2018

To τρέχον τεύχος του JSNT / The current issue of JSNT

Journal for the Study of the New Testament 40:4 (2018)

  • Michael R. Whitenton, "Tasting the Kingdom: Wine-Drinking and Audience Inference in Mark 15.36," 403-423 (abstract)
  • Blaire A. French, "The Completion of King Saul in Acts," 424-433 (abstract)
  • Neil Martin, "Returning to the stoicheia tou kosmou: Enslavement to the Physical Elements in Galatians 4.3 and 9?," 434-452 (abstract)
  • J. Andrew Cowan, "The Legal Significance of Christ’s Risen Life: Union with Christ and Justification in Galatians 2.17-20," 453-472 (abstract)
  • Robert Moses, "Discerning the Body of Christ: Paul, Poverty and the Powers," 473-493 (abstract)
  • Michael Spezio, "Reframing Paul’s Anthropology in Light of the Cognitive Sciences: Exercising Care in Interdisciplinary New Testament Scholarship," 494-502 (abstract)
  • Volker Rabens, "Reframing Paul’s Anthropology in the Light of the Dichotomies of Pauline Research," 503-515 (abstract)
  • Jonathan A. Linebaugh, "Participation and the Person in Pauline Theology: A Response to Susan Eastman’s Paul and the Person," 516-523 (abstract)
  • Susan G. Eastman, "Divine Love and the Constitution of the Self," 524-537 (abstract)

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