Τρίτη 24 Απριλίου 2018

To τρέχον τεύχος του HBT / The current issue of HBT

Horizons in Biblical Theology 40:1 (2018)

  • Mari Joerstad, "Sing Us the Songs of Zion: Land, Culture, and Resistance in Psalm 137, 12 Years a Slave, and Cedar Man," 1-16 (abstract)
  • Gregory Goswell, "Should the Church Be Committed to a Particular Order of the Old Testament Canon?," 17-40 (abstract)
  • William Briggs, "Idols and Land Grabs, Ancient and Modern: Creation and Ecotheology in Ezekiel 6; 35:1-36:15," 41-64 (abstract)
  • Jesse J. Lee, "On Distracting and Disappearing Joy: An Exegetical Comparison of the Ethiopian Eunuch and the Slave-Girl Rhoda in Acts," 65-77 (abstract)
  • Matthew D. Beach, "Rereading the Ark Narrative: An Exilic Word of Hope and Warning," 78-91 (abstract)

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