Πέμπτη 1 Μαρτίου 2018

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Neot / In the current issue of Neot

Neotestamentica 51:2 (2017)

  • Ernest van Eck, "Realism and Method: The Parables of Jesus," 163-184 (abstract)
  • Thomas Farrar, "Today in Paradise?: Ambiguous Adverb Attachment and the Meaning of Luke 23:43," 185-207 (abstract)
  • Herman C. du Toit, "The Function of the Imperfect Tense-Form in the Narrative Discourse of John's Gospel: Some Remarks," 209-234 (abstract)
  • Jeremy Punt, "Not Child's Play: Paul and Children," 235-259 (abstract)
  • Christoph Stenschke, "Human and Non-Human Creation and Its Redemption in Paul's Letter to the Romans," 261-289 (abstract)
  • Jackson Wu, "Why Is God Justified in Romans?: Vindicating Paul's Use of Psalm 51 in Romans 3:4," 291-314 (abstract)
  • Seth Kissi - Ernest van Eck, "An Appeal to Personality in Hebrews: A Social-Scientific Study," 315-335 (abstract)
  • Jacobie M. Helena Visser, "Following the Man on the Slippery Slide: Christ in 1 Peter," 337-357 (abstract)
  • Maretha M. Jacobs, "On Fairness and Accuracy in the Academy: A Brief Response to Wim Vergeer's Use of Terminologies, and Some Simplifications, in the Article 'The Redeemer in an 'Irredeemable Text' (1 Timothy 2:9–15)'," 359-365 (abstract)

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