Παρασκευή 30 Μαρτίου 2018

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JBL / The current issue of JBL

Journal of Biblical Literature 137:1 (2018)

  • Michael V. Fox, "The Meanings of the Book of Job," 7-18 (abstract)
  • Elizabeth Bloch-Smith, "The Impact of Siege Warfare on Biblical Conceptualizations of YHWH," 19-28 (abstract)
  • Robin Baker, "Double Trouble: Counting the Cost of Jephthah," 29-50 (abstract)
  • Kristine Garroway, "2 Kings 6:24–30: A Case of Unintentional Elimination Killing," 53-70 (abstract)
  • Elizabeth Backfish, "Transformations in Translation: An Examination of the Septuagint Rendering of Hebrew Wordplay in the Fourth Book of the Psalter," 71-86 (abstract)
  • Alex P. Douglas, "A Call to Law: The Septuagint of Isaiah 8 and Gentile Law Observance," 87-104 (abstract)
  • Steven M. Bryan, "The End of Exile: The Reception of Jeremiah's Prediction of a Seventy-Year Exile," 107-126 (abstract)
  • Anthony Ferguson, "The Elijah Forerunner Concept as an Authentic Jewish Expectation," 127-145 (abstract)
  • Timothy Brookins, "A Tense Discussion: Rethinking the Grammaticalization of Time in Greek Indicative Verbs," 147-168 (abstract)
  • Brice C. Jones, "A Greek Papyrus Fragment with a Citation of Matthew 1:20," 169-174 (abstract)
  • Dan Nässelqvist, "The Question of Punctuation in John 1:3–4: Arguments from Ancient Colometry,"  175-191 (abstract)
  • Paula Fredriksen, "How Jewish Is God? Divine Ethnicity in Paul's Theology," 193-212 (abstract)
  • Ryan S. Schellenberg, "Subsistence, Swapping, and Paul's Rhetoric of Generosity," 215-234 (abstract)
  • Dorothea Bertschmann, "Is There a Kenosis in This Text? Rereading Philippians 3:2–11 in the Light of the Christ Hymn," 235-254 (abstract)

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