Δευτέρα 5 Μαρτίου 2018

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblica / The current issue of Biblica

Biblica 98:4 (2017)
  • Walter Bührer, "'Ich will mir einen Namen machen!': Alttestamentliche und altorientalische Verewigungsstrategien," 481 - 503 (abstract)
  • Hee-Sook Bae, "Reconsidering Barak's Response in Judges 4," 504 - 519 (abstract)
  • Raik Heckl, "Des Ezechielbuch als Metatext I: Ezechiel 1-3 als Leseanleitung für ein literarisch ausformuliertes Prophetenbuch," 520 - 540 (abstract)
  • Inchol Yang, "The Influence of Sumerian City Laments on the Tammuz Lament," 541 - 557 (abstract)
  • Mark A. Proctor, "'It was not the Season for Figs': Aesthetic Absurdity in Mark's Intercalations," 558 - 581 (abstract)
  • Eyal Regev, "What has been Changed in the Law of Hebrews?," 582 - 599 (abstract)
  • Guy Darshan, "Textual History of the Account of Alexander the Great in 1 Maccabees," 600 - 609 (abstract)

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