Παρασκευή 23 Φεβρουαρίου 2018

Το τρέχον τεύχος του DSD / The current issue of DSD

Dead Sea Discoveries 24:3 (2017)

  • Pieter B. Hartog - Jutta Jokiranta, "The Dead Sea Scrolls in Their Hellenistic Context," 339-355 (abstract)
  • Benjamin G. Wright, "Were the Jews of Qumran Hellenistic Jews?," 356-377 (abstract)
  • Dennis Mizzi, "From the Judaean Desert to the Great Sea: Qumran in a Mediterranean Context," 378-406 (abstract)
  • Benedikt Eckhardt, "Temple Ideology and Hellenistic Private Associations," 407-423 (abstract)
  • Hanna Tervanotko, "Reading God’s Will? Function and Status of Oracle Interpreters in Ancient Jewish and Greek Texts," 424-446 (abstract)
  • Mladen Popović, "Reading, Writing, and Memorizing Together: Reading Culture in Ancient Judaism and the Dead Sea Scrolls in a Mediterranean Context," 447-470 (abstract)

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