Τρίτη 2 Ιανουαρίου 2018

Tο τρέχον τεύχος του ΟΤΕ / The current issue of OTE

Old Testament Essays 30:2 (2017)

  • Hans Ausloos, "The Story of Ehud and Eglon in Judges 3:12-30 : a literary pearl as a theological stumbling block," 225-239 (abstract)
  • Phil J. Botha, "Psalm 39 and its place in the development of a doctrine of retribution in the Hebrew Bible," 240-264 (abstract)
  • Johann Cook, "A Theology of the Septuagint?," 265-282 (abstract)
  • Helen Efthimiadis-Keith, "The memory of original wholeness and conscious differentiation in Genesis 1:1-2:4a," 283-299 (abstract)
  • Annette Evans, "Ezekiel’s 'Living Beings' in Pseudo-Ezekiel 4Q385, Frg. 6: a comparison with key Angelological verses in Ezekiel 1 and 10," 300-314 (abstract)
  • Jaco Gericke, "The meaning of Moses’ life : an analytic and comparative-philosophical perspective," 315-336 (abstract)
  • -, "What shall we do with the Canaanites? an ethical perspective on Genesis 12:61," 337-347 (abstract)
  • Louis J. Jonker, "'Satan made me do it!' the development of a Satan figure as social-theological diagnostic strategy from the late Persian Imperial Era to early Christianity," 348-366 (abstract)
  • Jurie le Roux, "Two Africans and the elusiveness of meaning," 367-383 (abstract)
  • Madipoane Masenya, "Towards an MIT-conscious Biblical Studies in South Africa? glimpsing the stories of absent husbands and waiting wives," 384-402 (abstract)
  • Ndikho Mtshiselwa, "Reading Jeremiah 31:31-34 in Light of Deuteronomy 29:21-30:10 and of Inqolobane Yesizwe : some remarks on prophecy and the Torah," 403-420 (abstract)
  • Gerrie F. Snyman, "Figuring out Cain : Darwin, Spangenberg, and Cormon," 421-442 (abstract)
  • H. J. M. (Hans) van Deventer, "Aspects of liminality in the book of Daniel," 443-458 (abstract)
  • Schalk Willem van Heerden, "Shades of green - or grey? towards an ecological interpretation of Jonah 4:6-11," 459-477 (abstract)
  • Hendrik Viviers, "Why nature is good to think, feel and live by in the Joban divine speeches : some psychological perspectives on the worth of exposure to wild animals," 503-524 (abstract)
  • Gerald West, "Redaction criticism as a resource for the Bible as 'a site of struggle'," 525-545 (abstract)

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