Παρασκευή 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2017

Το τρέχον τεύχος του ZAW / The current issue of ZAW

Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 129:4 (2017)

  • Bill T. Arnold, "The Holiness Redaction of the Primeval History," 483-500 (abstract)
  • Erhard Blum / Kristin Weingart, "The Joseph Story: Diaspora Novella or North-Israelite Narrative?" 501-521 (abstract)
  • Shuichi Hasegawa, "Josiah’s Death: Its Reception History as Reflected in the Books of Kings and Chronicles," 522-535 (abstract)
  • Burkard Maria Zapff, "Why is Micah similar to Isaiah?" 536-554 (abstract)
  • Richard J. Bautch, "In Vino Veritas? Critiquing Drunkenness and Deceit in Micah and Isaiah," 555-567 (abstract)
  • Bernard Gosse, "Le Ps 19 prolongement du Ps 18: Baal, El, Yahvé, le triple parallélisme synonymique, l’influence du livre des Proverbes et la Loi et David," 568-582 (abstract)
  • Jan Dietrich, "Die Weisheit bei Gott," 583-599 (abstract)

  • Joe H. Price, "A Note on the Implications of Two Mari Texts (ARM 26/1 106 and ARM 25 143) for Benaiah’s Leonine Episode in 2Sam 23:20 par. 1Chr 11:22," 600-604 (abstract)

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