Κυριακή 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2017

Το τρέχον τεύχος του NTS / The current issue of NTS

New Testament Studies 64:1 (2018)

  • Jason A. Staples, "‘Lord, Lord’: Jesus as YHWH in Matthew and Luke," 1-19 (abstract)
  • Marie de Lovinfosse, "Naïn ou Naïm (Lc 7.11) : une différence révélatrice," 20-32 (abstract)
  • Michael P. Theophilos, "John 15.14 and the ΦΙΛ- Lexeme in Light of Numismatic Evidence: Friendship or Obedience?," 33-43 (abstract)
  • Torsten Jantsch, "Kynische Argumentation im Römerbrief: Römer 1–2 und Ps.-Diogenes, Epistula 28 im Vergleich," 44-63 (abstract)
  • Logan Williams, "Disjunction in Paul: Apocalyptic or Christomorphic? Comparing the Apocalypse of Weeks with Galatians," 64-80 (abstract)
  • Matthijs den Dulk, "No More Itch (2 Tim 4.3)," 81-93 
  • Daniel Lanzinger, "‘A Sabbath Rest for the People of God’ (Heb 4.9): Hebrews and Philo on the Seventh Day of Creation," 94-107 (abstract)
  • Benjamin A. Edsall, "Hermogenes the Smith and Narrative Characterisation in The Acts of Paul: A Note on the Reception of 2 Timothy," 108-121 (abstract)


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