Τετάρτη 1 Νοεμβρίου 2017

To τρέχον τεύχος του RB / The current issue of RB

Revue Biblique 124:3 (2017)

  • Daniel Vainstub, "The Sons of Joab at the Valley of Pottery," 321-341 (abstract)
  • Émile Puech, "Le livre des Juges dans les copies qumraniennes (4Q559 4-6, 1Q6, 4Q49-50-50a)," 342-368 (abstract)
  • Karin Finsterbusch, "YHWH as the Speaker of the So Called 'Messenger Formula' in the Book of Jeremiah," 369-380 (abstract)
  • Wim Hendriks, "Das praesens historicum in der Septuaginta," 381-420 (abstract)
  • Francesco Filannino, "Mc 1,2-4: Tra intertestualità e intratestualità," 421-441 (abstract)
  • Yana Tchekhanovets / Yotam Teper / Guy Bar-Oz, "The Armenian Graffito from the Southern Church of Shivta," 446-454 (abstract)

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