Πέμπτη 26 Οκτωβρίου 2017

To τρέχον τεύχος του VT / The current issue of VT

Vetus Testamentum 67:4 (2017)
  • Robin Baker, "A Mother’s Refrain: Judges 5:28-30 in Cultural Context," 505-518 (abstract)
  • Krzysztof J. Baranowski, "The Biblical Hebrew 'Store Cities' and an Amarna Gloss," 519-527 (abstract)
  • Jonathan Ben-Dov, "Justice and the City: A Reading of Amos 3:9-15," 528-545 (abstract)
  • Helena M. Bolle / Stephen R. Llewelyn, "Intersectionality, Gender Liminality and Ben Sira’s Attitude to the Eunuch," 546-569 (abstract)
  • Gili Kugler, "Who Conquered Hebron? Apologetic and Polemical Tendencies in the Story of Caleb in Josh 14," 570-580 (abstract)
  • Alfred Marx, "La fin du récit sacerdotal de la création : Gn 2,4a ou Gn 2,3 ?," 581-588 (abstract)
  • C. A. Strine, "On the Compositional Models for Ezekiel 38-39: A Response to William Tooman’s Gog of Magog," 589-601 (abstract)
  • Karel van der Toorn, "Ezra in Egypt? The Significance of Hananyah’s Mission," 602-610 (abstract)
  • Ellen van Wolde, "Separation and Creation in Genesis 1 and Psalm 104, A Continuation of the Discussion of the בראV  ", 611-647 (abstract)
  • Carsten Ziegert, "Kultur und Identität. Wörtliches Übersetzen in der Septuaginta," 648-655 (abstract)
  • Takamitsu Muraoka, "Dan 7:2 עִם לֵילְיָא ‘by night’?" 677-670 (abstract)

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