Κυριακή 8 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Το τρέχον τεύχος του NovT / The current issue of NovT

Novum Testamentum 59:4 (2017)

  • Matthew Goldstone, "Murder, Anger, and Altars: The First Matthean Antithesis in Light of Exodus 21:14 and its Early Rabbinic Interpretation," 339-354 (abstract)
  • Joseph R. Dodson, "The Fall of Men and the Lust of Women in Seneca’s Epistle 95 and Paul’s Letter to the Romans," 355-365 (abstract)
  • Jonathon Lookadoo, "Polycarp, Paul, and the Letters to Timothy," 366-383 (abstract)
  • John Granger Cook, "Philo, Quaestiones et solutiones in Genesin 4.102 and 1 Cor 10:3: The πνευµατικὸν βρῶµα," 384-389 (abstract)
  • John S. Kloppenborg, "Disciplined Exaggeration: The Heuristics of Comparison in Biblical Studies," 390-414 (abstract)
  • John A. L. Lee, "The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek: New Clothes for an Old Emperor," 415-435 (abstract)

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