Κυριακή 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017

Το τρέχον τεύχος του EC / The current issue of EC

Early Christianity 8:3 (2017)

  • Jens Schröter / Simon Butticaz, " Paul and Ethnicity," 289-292
  • Samuel Vollenweider, "Are Christians a New "People"? Detecting Ethnicity and Cultural Friction in Paul's Letters and Early Christianity," 293-308 (abstract)
  • Simon Butticaz, "Paul and Ethnicity between Discourse and Social Practices: Two Examples in Tension," 309-335 (abstract)
  • Michael Wolter, "Ethnizität und Identität bei Paulus," 336-353 (abstract)
  • John M.G. Barclay, "An Identity Received from God: The Theological Configuration of Paul's Kinship Discourse," 354-372 (abstract)
  • Kathy Ehrensperger, "Narratives of Belonging: The Role of Paul's Genealogical Reasoning," 373-392 (abstract)

New Discoveries 

  • Christfried Böttrich, "Supplements to the Re-Discovery of Codex Sinaiticus in the Nineteenth Century," 395-406 

New Projects 

  • Cilliers Breytenbach / Julien M. Ogereau, "Inscriptiones Christianae Graecae (ICG) 1.0: An Online Database and Repository of Early Christian Greek Inscriptions from Asia Minor and Greece," 409-419

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