Τετάρτη 30 Αυγούστου 2017

Το τρέχον τεύχος του BTB / The current issue of BTB

Biblical Theology Bulletin 47:3 (2017)

  • David M. Bossman, "The Making of Religious Identities," 130
  • Robert K. Gnuse, "Greek Connections: Genesis 1–11 and the Poetry of Hesiod,"  131-143 (abstract)
  • Ryan Patrick McLaughlin, "A Meatless Dominion: Genesis 1 and the Ideal of Vegetarianism," 144-154 (abstract)
  • Merwyn S. Johnson, "The Idiom of Scripture, Leviticus 18:5, and Theology at a Time of Paradigm Shift," 155-170 (abstract)
  • John W. Daniels, "Engendering Gossip in Galatians 2:11–14: The Social Dynamics of Honor, Shame, Performance, and Gossip," 171-179 (abstract)

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