Τετάρτη 2 Αυγούστου 2017

Το τρέχον τεύχος του ASE / The current issue of ASE

Annali di Storia dell' Esegesi 34/1 (2017)

  • Mauro Pesce, "Jacob Neusner (28 luglio 1932 – 8 ottobre 2016)"
  • Francesco Ubertini, "Ricordo di Jacob Neusner"
  • Jacob Neusner, "Dalla storia alla religione. Un progresso personale"

Early Christianity

  • Gerhard van den Heever, "The Spectre of a Jewish Baptist Movement. A Space for Jewish Christianity?"
  • Andrea Annese, "Logion 83 and the “Image” in the Gospel of Thomas: Relationships with Some Pauline and Early Christian Texts"
  • Dan Batovici, "The Shepherd of Hermas in Recent Scholarship on the Canon: A Review Article"

History of Ancient and Medieval Exegesis

  • Mark DelCogliano, "Phinehas the Zealot and the Cappadocians: Philo, Origen, and a Family Legacy of Anti-Eunomian Rhetoric"
  • Julie Casteigt, "Identité du témoin et accomplissement des figures: le modèle de la voix et du Verbe dans la lecture albertienne de Jn 1,19-24"

Judaism and Christianity in Early Modern and Contemporary Times

  • Cristiana Facchini, "Entangled Histories. A Road Map to Religious Individualization in Early Modern Judaism"
  • Wim François, "Grace, Free Will, and Predestination in the Biblical Commentaries of Cornelius a Lapide"
  • Stefano Villani, "Christianus Lazarus Lauria e l’attività della London Society for the Propagation of Christianity among the Jews in Italia"

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