Σάββατο 8 Ιουλίου 2017

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του TynBull / In the current issue of TynBull

Tyndale Bulletin 68:1 (2017)

  • Kim Phillips, "A New Codex from the Scribe behind the Leningrad Codex: L17," 1-30
  • David B. Schreiner, "'We Really Should Stop Translating nir in Kings as "Light" Or "Lamp"': A Response," 31-38
  • John Makujina, "'Behold, There Were Twins in Her Womb' (Gen. 25:24-26; 38:27-30): Medical Science and the Twin Births in Genesis," 39-58
  • Murray Vasser, "Grant Slaves Equality: Re-Examining the Translation of Colossians 4:1," 59-72
  • Jermo van Nes, "Motif-Semantic Differences in Paul?: A Question to Advocates of the Pastorals' Plural Authorship in Dialogue with Michaela Engelmann," 73-94

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