Σάββατο 1 Ιουλίου 2017

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JBL / The current issue of JBL

Journal of Biblical Literature 136:2 (2017)

  • Mark Leuchter, "The Aramaic Transition and the Redaction of the Pentateuch," 249-268 (abstract)
  • Megan Warner, "'Therefore a Man Leaves His Father and His Mother and Clings to His Wife': Marriage and Intermarriage in Genesis 2:24," 269-288 (abstract)
  • Jaeyoung Jeon, "The Visit of Jethro (Exodus 18): Its Composition and Levitical Reworking," 289-306 (abstract)
  • Matthew Goldstone, "Rebuke, Lending, and Love: An Early Exegetical Tradition on Leviticus 19:17–18," 307-321 (abstract)
  • Shawn Zelig Aster, "Isaiah 31 as a Response to Rebellions against Assyria in Philistia," 347-361 (abstract)
  • Jennie Grillo, "'From a Far Country': Daniel in Isaiah's Babylon," 363-380 (abstract)
  • Armin D. Baum, "Content and Form: Authorship Attribution and Pseudonymity in Ancient Speeches, Letters, Lectures, and Translations—A Rejoinder to Bart Ehrman," 381-403 (abstract)
  • Eran Shuali, "Did Peter Speak Hebrew to the Servant? A Linguistic Examination of the Expression "I Do Not Know What You Are Saying" (Matt 26:70, Mark 14:68, Luke 22:60)," 405-416 (abstract)
  • Benjamin Wilson, "Directly Addressing 'Jesus': The Vocative [Iesou] in Luke 23:42," 435-449 (abstract)
  • Sigurd Grindheim, "A Theology of Glory: Paul's Use of [doxa] Terminology in Romans," 451-465 (abstract)
  • Nathan C. Johnson, "Romans 1:3–4: Beyond Antithetical Parallelism," 467-490 (abstract)
  • Blake A. Jurgens, "Is It Pesher? Readdressing the Relationship between the Epistle of Jude and the Qumran Pesharim," 491-510 (abstract)

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