Σάββατο 22 Ιουλίου 2017

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblica / The current issue of Biblica

Biblica 98:2 (2017)

  • Laura Quick, "Laying Og to Rest: Deuteronomy 3 and the Making of a Myth," 161-172 (abstract)
  • Ulrich Berges, "Trito-Isaiah and the Reforms of Ezra/Nehemiah: Consent or Conflict?," 173-190 (abstract)
  • Benjamin Kilchör, "The Meaning of Ezekiel 44,6-14 in Light of Ezekiel 1-39," 191-207 (abstract)
  • Danilo Verde / Pierre van Hecke, "The Belligerent Woman in Song 1,9," 208-226 (abstract)
  • Peter Daniel Myers, "Do Nomina Sacra Influence the Textual Transmission of 2 Esdras 12,12?," 227-233 (abstract)
  • Mateus F. de Campos, "The 'Sign from Heaven' and the 'Bread from Heaven' (Mark 8,10-13)," 234-256 (abstract)
  • Hugo Méndez, "'He Spoke... Forever': A Hebrew Idiom in Luke 1,55," 257-269 (abstract)
  • Juan Manuel Granados Rojas, "El 'segundo signo' en el Cuarto Evangelio," 270-286  (abstract)

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