Παρασκευή 23 Ιουνίου 2017

Το τρέχον τεύχος του ZAW / The current issue of ZAW

Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 129:2 (2017)

  • Robin B. ten Hoopen, "Genesis 5 and the Formation of the Primeval History: a Redaction Historical Case Study," 177-193 (abstract)
  • Joachim J. Krause, "Individualisierung des Bundesbruchs? Die neuere Deutung von Gen 17,14 im Licht der Vergleichsbelege," 194-204 (abstract)
  • Paavo N. Tucker, "The Priestly Grundschrift: Source or Redaction? The Case of Exodus 12:12–13," 205-219 (abstract)
  • Rebecca Poe Hays, "A Problematic Spouse: A Text-Critical Examination of Merab’s Place in 1 Samuel 18:17–19 and 2 Samuel 21:8," 220-233 (abstract)
  • C. L. Crouch, "Jehoiachin: Not a Broken Vessel but a Humiliated Vassal (Jer 22:28–30)," 234-246 (abstract)
  • David Rothstein, "Phoenicians in the Chronicler’s Jerusalem? Another Look at 1 Chronicles 15:13a," 247-257 (abstract)
  • Achim Müller, "Zu kēn in Genesis 1," 258-260 (abstract)
  • Aren Wilson-Wright, "Camping along the Ways of Horus: A Central Semitic Etymology for pî ha-ḥîrot," 261-264 (abstract)

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