Παρασκευή 19 Μαΐου 2017

Το τρέχον τεύχος του ZAW / The current issue of ZAW

Zeitschrift für alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 129:1 (2017)

  • Israel Finkelstein / Oded Lipschits, "Geographical and Historical Observations on the old North Israelite Gideon tale in Judges," 1-18 (abstract)
  • Eric D. Reymond, "The Verb נשֹג in Second Temple Hebrew," 19-31 (abstract)
  • Ji Seong J. Kwon, "Shared Ideas in Job and Deutero-Isaiah," 32-46 (abstract)
  • Gili Kugler, "The Cruel Theology of Ezekiel 20," 47-58 (abstract)
  • Hervé Gonzalez, "Quelle unité à la fin des Douze prophètes? Les jugements divins en Zacharie 14 et Malachie," 59-83 (abstract)
  • Giulia Francesca Grassi, "Bemerkungen zu Ostrakon Clermont-Ganneau J8 (175+185) aus Elephantine," 84-97 (abstract)
  • Robert Miller, "The Witch at the Navel of the World," 98-102 (abstract)
  • Jennifer Andruska, "»Rape« in the Syntax of 2 Samuel 11:4," 103-109 (abstract)

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